20 June 2009

I Do!

Ok so I just saw The Proposal with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds (and the hilarious Betty White) and I must say it was amazing. Definitely comes in as one of my favorite comedies, I laughed hysterically from beginning to end. Also, it definitely gets top honors (right behind Sex and the City) in the fashion dept. You did me proud Sandy! Birkins, Louboutins, Prada, R.R., what more could a boy ask for?!

Sorry, I got a little ahead of myself. Phew.

Well then...I suggest everyone go out to see this movie asap, I can't give away the plot but I'm sure you will enjoy it and you will not be disappointed.

Very Healthy!


  1. SO good. Ryan Reynolds was delicious...I mean funny.

  2. The proposal= MY LIFE. I will very soon be in the exact predicament that Sandra finds herself in that film! Ugh..

    Another bonus: Not only is Ryan Renolds extremely delicious, he's also Canadian and a local Vancouverite. Double yum.
